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Pro-Action has always been the pioneer of multi stage valving. When the world had single-stage, we had two-stage. When the world went to two-stage, Pro-Action went to three-stage. After years of research and development with three-stage valving, we evolved it into our exclusive incremental system. The Pro-Action three-stage, incrementally pressure-sensitive, self-adjusting valving system not only has a mid-range circuit that does not exist in any stock shock, but also has increments of valving within each stage. The result is a valve or combined group of valves that compensate for any pressure that can be exerted by the speed of the shaft due to the striking of a bump without a trace of valve collision or mid-stroke harshness. Link this compression circuitry with our exclusive catch valve rebound damping and you have truly entered into the third dimension of shock absorber technology.


Pro-Action has been the innovator of front fork valve body design technology. Our pistons match flow dynamics of the fork with critical edge of hydraulic lock valve body designs. We now produce 12 types of valve bodies. These valve bodies have the most direct flow patterns of all valve bodies produced. This direct flow design eliminates harshness in the fork and reduces rider fatigue. The edge of hydraulic lock design eliminates bottoming. Super Cross Valving uses a two-stage system. Motocross valving uses a two-stage system with a quick opening circuit for choppy acceleration bumps. The off-road valving uses a three-stage system to eliminate deflection off rocks and roots and provides excellent mid-range manners and great resistance to bottoming. The result is the finest working front fork system ever built. Imagine a front fork that stands up tall, is plush on initial hits, firm on big hits, and progressively soaks up everything in between.

NEW Hybrid fork kit for the WP 48AER and Showa 49mm TAC forks

Convert your WP AER48 or  Showa TAC forks to a single sided spring kit with air assist.  The best thing about spring forks is the low speed pick up and the only good thing about air forks is the bottoming resistance.  We have combined these two systems and used the best of both worlds.  The spring picks up all the small bumps and the air kicks in at the end of the stroke to prevent bottoming.   We can run a little lighter spring rate than you would normally run allowing for ultimate plushness in the small bumps while using the air pressure to keep from bottoming.  This system does not bleed off air like your stock forks, you won’t pick up pressure throughout your ride because of expansion, and most of all it makes tuning a breeze.  These are as close to Factory as you can get.  

Recommended Service


You should service your forks every 35 to 40 hours of riding time. After about 30 hours of riding the oil starts to break down and the bushings will be worn leeding to fork seal failure and excess wear on your fork tubes. Springs should be check yearly to make sure you are still within factory tolerances.


Your shock should be serviced every 40 to 50 hours of riding time. At about 40 hours of riding time the oil starts to break down which will cause your shock to “fade” as the shock heats up. Also the shaft bushing starts to show wear around this time which will put extra stress on the seal causing it to leak. The spring should be checked yearly to make sure you are still within factory tolerances.